Unity3D 5 Architecture Interior
Teaser Build Pc Win (AlphaTest) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Leh4HdYQhoUkVETXQ5NXlOMXM Build VR Apk (AlphaTesst) for Andriod 4.2 and up version https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Leh4HdYQhoTjJNdXB5VHZvWHc _____________________________________________________________________ After working in 3DsMax modeling and optimization for all assets models creation materials and texturing models and add baked UVW2 Export Aseets in format FBX Using Unity3D 5 importe all FBX adjusted and manipulation for lighting and GI Lightmapping baked GI Viewer Scene // mode Baked Others Screens Viewer GAME Creating the Main Scene Menu for Build PC Win Background and Button we use script c # Creating the Main Scene Menu for VR Cardboardand Viewer GAME Botton Bleu // Play VR HeadSet Capture video using AVpro plugin for Unity Texter and final rendu AfterEffectCS6 _________________________________________________________________________ Finally I share ...